Monday 14 January 2019

Hurry up and wait

The plan was to fly to Sky Blu today, it takes about 4 hours by Twin Otter aircraft. A little less than 1.5 hours to Fossil Bluff where we refuel, and then a little more than 1.5 hours onwards to Sky Blu, plus of course the time needed to refuel.
Unfortunately, the weather is snowy at Rothera, Fossil Bluff and Sky Blu today so having rushed around to get all our equipment packed and after an early start to have breakfast and make the days sandwiches, we are now waiting until tomorrow.


  1. Do they not give you a weather forecast the day before?

  2. Yes we have a ongoing 5 day forecast, but the weather in Antarctica is generally more changeable than the UK, we need goodish weather to fly, and the forecasts aren't as accurate as in the UK as there are less observational data points.

  3. Tell us what works of fiction you are diving into too Mike. Of course I'm interested in fat bikes you know . Travel well xx

    1. Just finished the Helen Pankhurst book (your recommendation) which was a sobering read, now on 1666 Plague, War and Hellfire.
